Museum of Islamic Art
The Islamic Da`wah Center aspires to build a museum dedicated to the accurate presentation of Islamic art.

Key Objectives of the Museum
• To celebrate 1,400 years of Islamic cultures, and languages
• To educate the audience about Islam, its cultures and its history through art
• To stimulate the interest and awareness of the impact Muslims have had on humanity
• To propel the desire to further study and discover the mysteries of the Muslim world

The Islamic art collection will be exhibited in the museum of Islamic art housed on the mezzanine floor in the Islamic Da`wah Center building. The collection will include art variations from as far as Malaysia, Indonesia, India, the Middle East, North Africa, Sicily and Spain. The collection spans the rise of Islamic civilization, from the first appearance of Islam up to the Ottoman period and the corresponding development of Islamic art up to the 19th century. Works of art, include ceramics, gold, metalwork, textiles, glass, weaponry, wood, manuscripts, paintings, calligraphy, 3D models of Islamic landscapes, pictures, and other images.

Donate Art
If you are an artist, collector, or dealer with tangible personal property of Islamic artwork, please follow the following guidelines below in considering donating a work of art to the Museum. Please note that works of art must be approved by the curatorial department.

Donate Art
Please provide a Letter of Intent for your gift containing the following:
• Contact information, including name, address, telephone number, and email address
• Artist's name, the full title of the work, edition information (for prints), medium,
and dimensions of the work
• Information about the artist and the work of art including the period in which it belongs,
and it's significance
• Information on purchase and past ownership
• Digital images of the work of art if available (jpeg, tiff, etc.) of at least 72 dpi resolution

Donate Art
Email information to info@islamcidawahcenter.org
with “Gift Proposal” in the subject line
By mail as follows:
"Islamic Da`wah Center
Museum of Islamic Art
Curatorial Department
201 Travis St.
Houston Texas, 77002"