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The Ark of Salvation

Islamic Da`wah Center 201 Travis St. , Houston, TX, United States

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Deeper Meaning – Character and Its Connection to Belief

Islamic Da`wah Center 201 Travis St. , Houston, TX, United States

Join us for a deep dive into how our beliefs shape our character at Deeper Meaning: Character and Its Connection to Belief!

Salah – Knowing Allah Through Worship

Islamic Da`wah Center 201 Travis St. , Houston, TX, United States

Join us for a deep dive into how our beliefs shape our character at Deeper Meaning: Character and Its Connection to Belief!

The Absolutes

Register Here The Absolutes What every Muslim must know about his faith, practice, and Identity Event lasts 6 hours Ages 12+ A essential event for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the core aspects of Islam. This session will focus on the foundational beliefs, practices, and elements of identity that are integral to being …